Monday 18 June 2012


So this saturday is a series of concerts by Christian Artists (Lecrae! Woop!) at Canada's Wonderland. I've never been to WonderJam before but there's no way I'm missing it this year :) After WonderJam I'm going to be in TO for a couple days, then I'm off to work at Jackson's Point Camp. This is a Salvation Army run camp, and i'll be in the kitchen all summer. I'm going to die!

Monday 11 June 2012

Co-op Part 2

So for a whole month I basically did nothing. I had to assign myself my first two assignments, and then for the last two weeks I worked on my only actual assignment. But that's ok, because I rocked it! I put together a brochure for the Youth Ministries at the Kingston Citadel. But now I have to do a bunch of paperwork for my credit, half of which isn't even done. Pray for me!!

Friday 27 April 2012


I have a lot of things what I want to do with my life. I have big dreams, like I've always wanted to be a DJ, part time or otherwise. I spend a lot of time on my laptop, making music, or listening to it and watching videos of DJ's having a blast making the crowd rowdy.  I would also really like the opportunity to try stand up comedy, because apparently I'm funny. I've taken time to write some material, but I'm afraid ill never get the chance to try it out. I love being in front of people, especially at church. This sunday I'm preaching about Loving Mercy. Im going to be talking about, first of all, what mercy is, and then how do you love it. The way I talk when I'm in front of people is I capture their attention with a funny intro, that way they have to pay attention to me, because they're waiting for the rest of the humour. Everything that I want to do with my life involves being in front of a crowd, but it's looking like I'm going to be a plumber for the rest of my life. Mario's cool right? 

Monday 23 April 2012

Co-op Part 1

The IMC@SLC class is starting Co-op in the month of May. I've done co-op before, back when I was in cooking school, at Montanas. My attendance kind of failed, and I never completed the hours sheet. But I'm hoping that if I get placed with The Salvation Army like I want to, than I can hopefully do better. The idea behind these particular placements is that we will become the Marketing Manager for whoever were placed with. This means we'll be making brochures, flyers, maybe videos and even designing websites for the firm we are placed with. We start on Tuesday the 1st, and I'm nervous I won't be able to work with the Army. I'll keep blogging about co-op, so you readers will stay up to speed :) But for now, I'm out!

Friday 20 April 2012

1st Place?

So apparently I forgot I had to blog once a week as part of my final mark. I was ahead by one week but now I'm behind by like, 6. So heres what the IMC@SLC students have been up to. ASSIGNMENTS! Every other day we've got another piece of homework handed to us. But for the last month and a half in particular, we have been working on making 5 minute and 30 second videos to advertise our program. Each group of students worked themselves to bloody tears, shooting, editing and syncing clips of video in time for the Greg Awards, an awards ceremony dedicated to the marketing segment of St Lawrence College. The entire class had an idea as to who would win, and I was almost disappointed when my group got called to take the first place prize. Even though we had won, we still have a lot to fix and re-shoot. So thats whats up for this week! Love Y'all!
The Winning 5 Min Video

Friday 24 February 2012

I Used To Listen To Hip-Hop, But Then I Took A Dub To My Step

MORE MUSIC TALK!! I feel like this is a big topic on Blogs of any sort. Music. What made music cool? How was the concept of lyrics, rhythm and dynamics put together? Does anybody even take the time to ask these questions anymore? It seems like music is no different from food. There are different kinds, everyone has their favourites, and some people are allergic to country like they are allergic to peanuts :P Obviously there are foods/music that are more popular than others. Pop/Hip-Hop has turned into the bacon of the music industry. Dubstep is slowly evolving into the Cheeseburger of society. Food and Music are based on preference. The difference is, you don't have to like certain foods in order to fit into the community. Music comes with a high sense of judgement depending on what everyone is listening to. Music, Food, Clothes, society bases its products on preference...

Thats it for todays class!!

Friday 17 February 2012

IMC@SLC and Female Exploitation

So I'm just about to finish my second week of IMC@SLC, and I couldn't be happier. This class feels so right with what I want to do for a living, and the teachers are great. I can't wait to get for the real stuff to begin :)

 Well thats enough of that. What should I talk about? How about women and how mistreated they are by society? I mean, there are websites and movies and so many things dedicated to exploiting women sexually, it disgusts me. A lot of people don't realize, but there are so many sex trafficking operations in the world.

  Theres also no thanks to the music industry. Music videos that exploit women plant images into teenagers mind and make them think thats what women are for. My words aren't making much sense to me, so I'm going to post a link to a song that describes what I'm talking about.

For The Ladies-KJ 52

Monday 13 February 2012

Is Top Selling Music actually "good music"?

This is my second article in my new blog...still have no idea what to write about...lets talk about my music preference...but first lets talk about what a lot of our generation likes as music. A lot of what is considered hip hop nowadays consists of siren introductions and "wub wub" sounds. The lyrics in most of todays music consists of alcohol, drugs, money, and making love in this club. This upsets me. songs use to tell stories, and have meaning...but this stuff thats played on the radio, they all seem to be the same song.

 As a christian, i can't listen to this music and enjoy it. The music i listen to may be about the same thing, God, but at least its a good topic, and nothing that encourages the use of drugs or alcohol, or worshipping of money and sex. I don't know, i just feel better listening to the less mainstream music of today. Thats all

Wednesday 8 February 2012

First Blog

Im kind of new to this whole Blog thing. I mean, i have tumblr, but I'm not sure that counts...i don't even use it what does one blog about when its his first time? how about the fact that the only reason i have this blog is because my teacher made the class so it? I mean, I'm all for it, I'm not complaining, i just don't know what were supposed to do with it :/